We believe that being generous with what we have been provided with leads to life. Here at Hope, we encourage you to give to whatever cause you see fit. If you decide that this means gifting money to church, we welcome your generosity. We depend on your donations to do what we do, as we strive to be a beacon of hope to our community.

To find out more about the different ways you can give click the headings below.

  • Parish Giving is a scheme that makes giving to churches easy.

    Through the scheme you can safely and securely set up a regular donation, as well as choosing to add gift aid to boost your donation by a further 25%. We love the parish giving scheme because they also hand ALL the related admin so every gift given through the parish giving scheme is also a precious gift of time.

    Find us as Hope Church Islington on the Parish Giving website to set up regular giving.

  • You can make a one off donation to Hope Church using the Parish Giving Scheme. It is a quick, easy, efficient, and secure way to give to us.

    However, if you’d prefer, you can give directly from your bank to ours using the details listed below.

    If you are a UK taxpayer you are also able to increase your donation by 25% at no cost to you by adding Gift Aid. To find out how take a look at our gift aid form.

    Account Name: Hope Church Islington

    Account number: 50342971

    Sort Code: 40-11-58

  • For those who want to give by cash or cheque a collection plate is available at our services, or do feel free to stop by the office during the week.

    If you are a UK taxpayer you are also able to increase your donation by 25% at no cost to you by adding Gift Aid, even on cash and cheque donations. To find out how take a look at our gift aid form.

  • We were devastated to lose a precious member of our congregation, Pippa Quail, in October 2024. As someone who loved community, and worked so hard in different ways to bring people together and foster meaningful relationships, to honour Pippa’s legacy, the Pippa Quail Community Fund was formed. Giving to this fund is restricted, which means that money you give can only be used to support projects that honour Pippa’s heart for community. Find out how to give to the fund here.

If you have any questions at all about any aspect of giving, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Hope Church Islington Registered Charity #1130900 - Parish of Hope Church Islington